Funeral Ministry
The Funeral Ministry assists with funeral dinners and reception arrangements. Contact the parish office
Pro Life Ministry
The Pro Life Ministry promotes and participates in educational and spiritual events to support individuals who are vulnerable to the effects of abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, capital punishment, and violence in our society. It represents the parish as a member of the Bishop’s Pastoral Plan for Pro Life activities.
Contact: Andrea Mack 308 390-8857
FertilityCare Ministry
The ministry, under the direction of a Certified FertilityCare Practitioner, reflects the dignity of the human person within the context of marriage and family life, promotes openness to life, and recognizes the beauty of children. Issues regarding fertility and infertility, adoption, and reproductive health care are of particular importance.
Contact: Andrea Mack 308 390-8857
This ministry revolves around an ongoing pastoral visitation which may include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and the reception of Holy Communion.
Contact: Deacon John Willmes - 308 672-4999
Health Ministry
The Resurrection Healthcare Ministry Team consists of the Parish Nurse and other nurses or healthcare workers who oversee and assist with identifying the needs of our congregation to meet our mission. All are Welcome to be a part of this active creative Church Health ministry. Contact: Pam Glaser 308-390-4629 or Gina Woods 308-380-7472
Medical Equipment Ministry
The Medical Equipment Ministry at Resurrection Catholic Church is a "Loan Closet" for small to medium-sized medical equipment, such as walkers, wheelchairs, shower chairs, commodes, crutches, etc.
The equipment is loaned, free of charge, to anyone who needs it. There are no restrictions and there is no mandatory fee of any kind. A waiver form is signed and filed, and the equipment is loaned for as long as needed with the request that it be returned when you are done with it.
The Medical Equipment Ministry at Resurrection Catholic Church is also beneficial for families who need equipment for a visiting guest or a one-time outing. You are welcome to send someone else to pick up equipment for you, if you cannot pick it up yourself.
Available equipment is limited to what is on hand. The selection changes frequently as equipment is loaned out, returned, or donated. You are welcome to call before you come to see if we have the equipment you need.
All equipment is bleach-cleaned and checked between uses by a dedicated group of volunteers and any necessary repairs are made. We appreciate your prayers for our ministry and for those in need of equipment.
We welcome equipment donations.
Please don't hesitate to call the church office with any questions. We are here to help you.